General Guidelines

New Ohio Review publishes two print editions annually, in the fall and spring. We also publish two online editions annually, in June and December.

For those interested in having their work considered for the print editions of NOR (and/or future online ventures), submission  periods are August 15th to November 15th and January 15th to April 15th.

We accept poetry, nonfiction, and fiction.

Our annual contests run from January 15th to April 15th. Contest entries have a $22 reading fee with an included one-year subscription. 

We recommend considering the page count of your work before submitting. Since NOR is a relatively thin volume, a prose piece of more than 20 pages will have to work hard to find a place. 

Simultaneous submissions are fine, but please let us know in your cover letter and inform us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere. 

Please submit only once per reading period in each genre unless we request more work.

We truly appreciate your interest in our magazine and we hope you will subscribe!


Poems should be individually typed, either single- or double-spaced, on one side of the page. (Please do not send more than six poems in a single submission.) 

Prose should be typed, double-spaced on one side. Cross-genre work or any work that is unusually formatted is welcome, but please be aware that our page width and font size are restricted. If you are submitting through our online system, we prefer Microsoft Word documents (.doc or .docx).

We do not accept previously published work, book reviews, or unsolicited translations.


Approximately 2 - 4 months 


Prose: please click "remove" on the submission manager to delete the entire document.

Poetry: please click "activity" on the submission to add a note indicating which poem you would like withdrawn from consideration.


One story per submission. Prose should be typed double-spaced and be no longer than 20 pages. Cross-genre work, or any work that is unusually formatted, is welcome, but please be aware that our page width and font size are restricted. Please include your email address, mailing address, and the piece's genre at the top of your submission.
Please use a file type of .doc or .docx.

Subscribers may submit as many stories per reading period as they would like. However, we ask that they wait until hearing back from us on a story before sending the next one.


One essay per submission. Prose should be typed double-spaced and be no longer than 20 pages. Cross-genre work, or any work that is unusually formatted, is welcome, but please be aware that our page width and font size are restricted. Please include your email address, mailing address, and the piece's genre at the top of your submission.
Please use a file type of .doc or .docx.

Subscribers may submit as many essays per reading period as they would like. However, we ask that they wait until an hearing back from us on an essay before sending the next one.


Each typed poem should be on a new page. Please single- or double-space. Cross-genre work or any work that is unusually formatted is welcome, but please be aware that our page width and font size are restricted. Please include your email address, mailing address, and genre at the top of your submission.

Subscribers may submit as many batches of poems per reading period as they would like. However, we ask that they wait until hearing back from us on a batch before sending the next one.

This portal is for SUBSCRIBERS TO NEW OHIO REVIEW ONLY (unless you have heard specifically from us to use this method of submitting).

Subscribers who wish to submit a regular submission in any genre can do so for free. In your cover letter, please let us know when you subscribed so we can cross-check our records. 

Please also specify the genre of your piece in the submission title. E.G: "Fiction: Wuthering Heights" or "Poetry: The Waste Land and Four Others."

Please use .doc or .docx file type.

Subscribers also have the right to submit during the summer months and during our winter break.

They may also submit as often as they would like per reading period. We do ask that subscribers wait until hearing back from us on one submission before submitting the next one. 

If you'd like to subscribe, check the subscription options elsewhere on Submittable. And please see our guidelines before you submit as well.

Thank you for your support.

New Ohio Review